Most photographers & artists find the Giclée or Photo print process most effective for highly detailed art reproduction, and it also has the side benefits of being fast, cost effective and with very consistent color reproduction.

At theprintspace we offer 7 Giclée art papers and 4 Photo papers.

Photo prints (Digital C-Prints) are used by professional photographers for the best detail, color and impact. Take a look at the photo print options here. If you are in a hurry C-type Fuji Matt is the most popular paper chosen by photographers.

Giclée art prints are used by photographers, illustrators, painters, designers, typographers…and visual artists of all kinds. The colors are punchy, the paper textures range from textured and fibrous, to smooth and matt, to glossy with a range of base colors from neutral bright white to warm-tone off white. If you are in a hurry Hahnemühle Photorag is the most popular paper chosen in the Giclée range.

Whatever print options you choose, you can find a paper that not only complements your subject matter but that adds a style and feel to your work.

Watch our video guide on art & photo paper choices.

Also we recommend doing at least one of the following:

  1. Ordering a sample pack of art & photo papers, with 11 A4 prints of each paper, for less than $20.
  2. Visit the Photo printing page and the Giclée printing page on our website.
  3. If you are still stuck, please contact us for some expert advice.

Updated on 11 August 2022

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