Have you set up print products?

Before you can import any products to your website, you first need set up your print files as products to sell on your store. Here is how you do that.

Have you connected your website to creativehub?

Before you can import your print products to your store, you first need to connect your store with creativehub. To do this, read the quick guide specific to the platform you use here.

If you have connected your website, you can check if it is connected in your creativehub account. Click ‘art store settings’ > ‘integrations’.

Have you clicked ‘import’ in your product list?

Your products will not show in your store until you import them from creativehub. Here is how you do that

If you have clicked import, and the product list shows an import time stamp, then these products have been successfully imported to your store.

Can’t see your products on your website?

When products are imported, they do not get published live on your website. They are imported through to your website product list. Learn more about this here

Refresh your store connection

Complete the following steps. This will reset the connection with your store. Note that any products previously imported do not need to be imported again:

  1. In creativehub > art sales settings > integrations > disconnect the integration with issue
  2. Logout of creativehub
  3. Logout of shopify
  4. Clear you browser’s cache/history for “all time” including cookies (or if you are more tech-savvy, go in and find all the creativehub.io cookies and just delete them all). Then close the browser, and reopen it
  5. Reconnect the integration
  6. Retry the import

Server error & import failed warnings

When trying to import, if you get a server error or import failed warning message then that could be for the following reasons:

  • If you sell on Etsy, you are limited to 999 stock quantity on a product. Check that your variant edition numbers do not exceed this
  • Try disconnecting your store and reconnecting. This rarely happens but in the case it does, this establishes a new Token between the two accounts and can help
  • If the above do not work, contact our customer support team for help

Updated on 23 August 2022

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